Tales and Images from my point of view, Enjoy!
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Monday, May 15, 2017

Airgasm 3 for (Me)

                                                                   As   "It"   Is


In Reality As "It" Is, there is neither  "knowing-subject" nor "known-object".  In Reality As "It" Is,  there are no "objects" arising (as the "known", or as "knowledge", or, otherwise, to yet be "known")---and, in Reality As "It" Is, there are no "knowing-subjects" (or "knowledge-bearing-egos") arising (as the "knower", or the would-be "knower", of "objects"). Rather all conditionally apparent "objects" and "subjects" are (as such) mere mental (or even total psycho-physical) constructs, superimposed upon the Intrinsic (and Intrinsically "objectless", or "differenceless", and "subjectless", or egoless, and all-conditional-knowledge-transcending) Transcendental Spiritual Self-Nature (or Intrinsically Self-Evident Self-Condition, and Intrinsically egoless Self-State) of Reality (Itself, and altogether).

   That Which seems to become "objects" is an Indivisible (or Inherently Non-differentiated, or "differenceless") Field of merely apparent conditional arising. That Field is not separate from the Perfectly Prior Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of Reality Itself---nor is there, in and As Reality Itself, any arising of independent "object-things".  Reality Itself---and the Reality-Field of apparent conditionally-arising phenomena that Is Not "different" from "It"---Is The One and Irreducibly Indivisible and Perfectly Non-differentiated Field That Is As Is.

   The human body arises non-"differently" in That Primary Field.  The Intrinsically (or always Priorly) egoless body is a conditionally apparent mechanism of perception and response. There is no "separate self inside the body"---and the body itself is not a "self".  Rather, the body is an irreducibly complex collection of would-be-cooperative mechanisms---altogether, not merely separate, and not "selfed", and not reducible to an idea, or to the thinking-process, or even to a precise interior "locus of being".  The body is, fundamentally, a complex cooperative of perception, always "located" in a general position (but not as a mere "point") in space, and never in or of a fixed "location" in time.  As the Inherently Non-differentiated Field of perception and the intrinsically egoless body come into conjunction with one another, the Indivisible Field is perceived from the general "location" of the body in time and space. That happening becomes the bodily-organized perception of "objects".  The particularity of "objects" reflected in and of the body is a perceptual-feedback circumstance that, in the bodily context, may be presumed (and, conventionally, or egoically, is invariably presumed) to imply (at the bodily-presumed "point" of perception) a "point-of-view-subject", or "knowing-self". It is only in this bodily perception-conjunction---in which "objects" have already (apparently) arisen in the Non-differentited Field and become reflected in the bodily perception-complex---that a "knowing-self" (or seperate "self", or ego-"I") is "internally" (or mentally), and (altogether) psycho-physically, presumed to be implied (and, thus, to actually and Really exist as such).

There is---in Reality As "It" Is---no ego in, or behind, or appearing as the body. The event of body-conjunction with the Non-differentiated Field naturally becomes the selective perception of apparently arising forms---and that perception may seem (or be responsively presumed) to imply that the body (felt as a "point of view" in time and space) is a "knowing-self".  However, this "knowing-self" (or ego-"I") is merely a presumption---a mere reflection (or "shadow") of "objects". Because of the natural (all-reflecting) perceptual conjunction between the body and the "experiential objects" in the otherwise Non-differentiated (or Indivisible) Field, the bodily perception-process is (mistakenly) presumed to be (or, altogether, imply or suggest) a ("self-objectified") "knowing-subject".

    In Reality, there is (in the apparent context of all conditional arising) only the intrinsically egoless happening of perceiving-bodies arising---indeed, only the intrinsically egoless happening of all the apparent phenomena of conditionality.  In Reality, all that is perceivable and all mechanisms (or bodies) of possible perception arise indivisibly and egolessly, as an intrinsically and irreducibly indivisible and egoless totality.  In the event of the conjunction of bodies and the egoless happening altogether, there is the reflection---or "shadowing" presumption of separate "self" in time and space. The ego-presumption is (as such) an illusion, or a mental (or even total psycho-physical) convention of "self-objectification", without necessity (or Really-"objective" existence), but also, always associated with concrete suffering of egoic consequences.

    There is no ego-"I" in the body.
    The body itself is intrinsically egoless and non-separate.
    There is no separateness in the Field.
    The presumption of separate ego-"I" and the presumption of separate "objects" is simply that---a presumption (or a mental, or even total psycho-physical, construct). That presumption can (therefore) be observed, understood, and transcended. However, the transcending of that presumption is not merely an intellectual matter. Fundamentally, the transcending of that presumption is a Transcendental Spiritual matter. The Non-differentiated and Indivisible Current of Self-Radiance That is the Transcendental Spiritual Context of the Field of happening is the Reality-Means whereby the limitation of presumed ego-"I" is transcended.

    The preliminary listening-practice of "Perfect Knowledge" is a process that begins and (always, thereafter) proceeds in the context of devotional recognition-response to Me---in which context the presumed "point of view"-position and the total psycho-physical "self"-contraction that (both together, and altogether) is egoity is transcended in Transcendental Spiritual (and total psycho-physical) devotional Communion with Me. In due course, devotional recognition-response to Me and whole bodily devotional turning to Me becomes the circumstance of devotional and Transcendental Spiritual Communion with Me, wherein the comprehensive fault of ego-"I" is altogether (intrinsically) transcended. In that transcending, the limiting power of "knowing-subject" and its separate "known-objects" is transcended.  Ultimately, this process becomes the "Perfect (Transcendental Spiritual) Practice" of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given (and , uniquely, seventh stage) "Radical" Reality-Way of Adidam Ruchiridam.


    During the period of the European Renaissance, there was a profound struggle to come to terms with the notion that the nature of the universe was not as it had previously been presumed to be. The "old view" had the Earth at the center of everything. In the period of the European Renaissance, people had to come to terms with the notion, based on physical (perceptual) observation, that the Earth (along with the other planets of the solar system) revolves around the Sun.
     The "old view" did not rightly represent Reality-Truth---but neither does the "new view" rightly represent Reality-Truth. In either case (whether "old" or "new"), if the "point of view" were shifted so much as a hair's breadth to the left or the right, the universe so described would no longer exist.
     Reality Itself is not any "view", or in any "point of view". Reality Itself is not merely the idea of "God creating and running the universe". Rather, Reality---Itself, and in the context of all conditionally arising appearances---is Inherently Divine (or egoless, Indivisible, Absolute, Transcendental, Spiritual and Perfect) in Nature.
     In Reality Itself, there is no center. In Reality Itself, there are no spheres within the sphere. And, yet (paradoxically), there is the appearance of conditionally arising events.
    Participation in the appearance of conditionally arising events can either be done on the egoless Basis of Reality Itself or on the basis of the illusion of egoity.
    Either there is the Enlightened Life (of egoless Self-Illumination in and by Reality Itself) or there is the mummery of "Narcissus" in ego-"world".
    There are no other choices.


    People are full of habits---full of adaptation and presumption---based on living as if there actually were a separate "self", associated with a "world" of separate others and separate "objects" of all kinds (including "internal objects" as well as "external objects"). The egoic life is built upon this illusion---and a very complex pattern develops on the basis of this illusory presumption of universal separateness, of separate "objects", and separate "self". That complex pattern is bondage.
    People live habitually on the basis of this pattern. They are patterned by this pattern. In fact, there is nothing but this pattern---patterning itself.  Therefore, the "world" of egos is a mummery, an automaticity---conjunctions of mere patterns mechanically producing permutations of mere patterns
    The real practice of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given "Radical" Reality-Way of Adidam Ruchiridam is a profound matter of turning beyond ego-patterning, and being released of ego- patterning, by entering into profoundest devotional (and, in due course, Transcendental Spiritual) Communion with Me.

   The "knowing-subject" (or ego-"I") is the "shadow" (or "Narcissistic" reflection) of the "known-object".  The "knowing-subject" is the shadow of all "experience" that is presumed to be happening to a "point of view"---like a planet presumed to be the "center" of the Sun's revolutions.  The "knowing-subject" is an illusion, an illusory "self".  The "world" of human mummery is made of that illusion. The human ego-"world" is a mummery played on an illusion of "centeredness" (or the illusion of "point of view"). The "world" of conditionally apparent "experience" is very (and even, to any "point of view", incomprehensibly) complex, because it is multiplied within itself through all kinds of conjunctions played on time and space---thus producing a complex human life, and a complex totality of  human "world"-pattern.
   Real practice of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given "Radical" Reality-Way of Adidam Ruchiridam is a profound process of going beyond ego-patterning---actually going beyond it, shedding it, turning from it, and (instead) turning to Me and living in devotional Communion with Me.    If the Realization of Reality Itself is your true motive and impulse, your life can be made profound and egolessly one-pointed.  If the Realization of Reality Itself is not your motive and impulse, your life will remain essentially superficial and, generally scattered.

    The ruling presumption within the human ego-"world" (or the human mummery-"world") is of a separate "self" in a "world" of differences. In Reality, there is no separate "self", and there are no differences. However, the Realization of Reality Itself is not about dissociation from the apparent context of the "world". Rather, the Realization of Reality Itself is (most ultimately) a matter of the utter transcending of the separate-"self"-principle, and the Self-Abiding Self-Recognition of the "world" as Non-differentiated Field of No-"difference", or Indivisible and Non-differentiated Reality.
    The only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh stage Realization is not a matter of "retreating" into the "knowing-self" at its depth---nor is the only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh stage Realization a matter of "escaping" from the "world". In the only-by-Me Revealed and Given "Radical" Reality-Way of Adidam Ruchiridam, there is no requirement or necessity to "escape" from the "world", nor is there any requirement or necessity to somehow (strategically, and egoically) accomplish the "self-destruction"  of the ego-"self".  The seventh stage Realization is the Realization that there is no separate "self" and there is no field of differences. You do not have to disapear from here in order to Find egolessness and No-"difference". There is always already no ego-"I" and no"difference here.

    The only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh stage Realization is not a trance-state, not any kind of state in which perceptual awareness is merely suspended. Rather, the only-by-Me Revealed and Given seventh stage Realization is a State of Perfect Divine Self-Recognition, Perfect (or Prior, rather than "achieved") egolessness---in Which, even in the context of the apparent event of the "world" and of human existence, there is no separateness, no separate "self" (or "knowing-self", or ego"I"), no "difference", no "objects", no others, no otherness, and no relatedness (or "subject-object-bondage).
    From the egoic perspective, it is impossible to comprehend how life could go on if you were to come to the point where there is no ego and no "difference". Of course, this is not something that you can"figure out".  When there is Most Perfect Realization of Reality Itself, it is always already "figured out".   The Realization of Reality Itself is a Transcendental Spiritual matter, a matter of profundity-beyond-mind.
    Realization of Reality Itself is not a matter of attaining some artificial condition, or some state of suspension, or some illusion. Rather Realization of Reality Itself is a matter of Realizing What Is Always Already The Case, even in the apparent context of the "world"arising.
   There is no separate"self", no mind, and no "difference"
   There is only a Spontaneous Happening.
   That Is "It"---As "It" Is.

From chapter IV,  As "It" Is,  of The Teaching Manual of Perfect Summaries,  The Revelation of The Preliminary "Perfect Knowledge" Teachings of His Divne Presence,  The Divne Avataric World-Teacher,   Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

Once entered into devotional communion with this Master of Perfect Means, the "knowledge" expressed in this writing is Given directly, to your feeling Heart and Being, Prior to the minds attempt to figure it out. Find this Grace Given Truth and the shadow life will disappear in The Bright  of Conscious Light.


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